Hello Sorsdahl art fans,
I havent posted on here for a long time. I guess my life took a left turn. Fell into a depression that I couldnt get out of, which isnt really like me. Normally my engineering mathematical brain always tends to solve my problems and help me to "snap" out of depression. Well, this time that didnt work. It seems even though my analytical side of the brain would tell me the right things to do, the reality was I was still depressed.
Vicky visited her old flame in utah and thats when it all started. Seems she has never been able to get over him, I sort of know how she feels because I too have never been able to forget about gal in my past who I'll always hold dear to me. One gal hit me harder then any other and would make my heart skip everytime I was around her and that is Michelle Rawlake. If you were to ask me what this Utah man's name is I couldnt even tell you. Anyways, as usual things didnt work out with her and her Utah man so she came back again. This time I said "no way" I'm not going back to face yet another black Christmas which usually happens when the _______ from Utah comes back to visit his parents and starts this all over again. It was tough to do, but I have decided to get "off this ride" thats been making me sick and move on. Seems her depression from losing the Utah man, has made her head out on other dates. Surprisingly she has started dating an english writer after just a few dates. I'm glad for her that she has moved on and is happy again.
My former self of a years back would have never put up with such crap. In fact I'm one to usually end things in such a way they know I dont want them calling. Strange thing is I often still care for them I just dont want to start a long term relationship with a gal that wants to keep moving around from guy to guy. Any gal I have dated in the past that broke things off to date someone else I have never taken back, oh and many have tried to come back. With Vicky I broke my rule and took her back. Then she did it again and I took her back again. Then she did it again and I $#%%$#%$# broke things off no matter how much it hurt me..
As for me, the depression was bad here for a few months. Now my life has changed and I have solitude. Its time for me to pick up the slack and start making something of myself again. Hopefully someday true love will find me again, in the meantime I will have to pursue my goals business wise and further develop my creativity.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me and my art.
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